(a) What is education? Education is an INVALUABLE PROPERTY that everyone can rightfully acquire.

(b) Who is an illiterate person? An illiterate person is equivalent to a blind person in today's world.

(c) What are the benefits of education? Among the numerous benefits, a few benefits a person can reap through education are mentioned below.

1. Education makes the individual really independent. The darkness of ignorance can be dispelled only with education.

2. Educated man will have tolerance and presence of mind. As per the situation he will solve the problems from time to time.

3. Educated man knows economy and gives priority for proper planning. Educated man is a proud citizen of any country, who knows his rights as well as his duties.

4. Educated man always gives preference for safety, security and result-oriented methods.

5. Educated man is an aware man who will be always alert and cautious with foresightedness.

6. Educated man never leads to any problems, arguments, disputes, but over and above, he can peacefully and tactfully try to solve them.

7. Educated man will be talented, sharp in observations and very quick in actions in emergencies.

8. Educated man is sweet in speech, polite in dealings, gentle in nature, friendly in relation, helpful in distress and volunteer in calamities.

9. Educated man is a self-confident man, always believes in self-reliance and self-respect.

10. Educated man keeps himself away from bad habits and inspires with his good character.

11. Educated man acquires good qualities like dedication, forgiveness, humanism, equality, judgment, understanding etc.

12. Educated man never believes in superstitions, opposes meaningless traditions/customs, and encourages simple, innovative and scientific methods.

13. Educated man is a lighting candle who can light thousands of candles. He can spread his knowledge to thousands without reducing his own. Now, can you afford to deprive your child of its basic birth right of education? No! So, see that your children must be educated for their bright future at any cost.

A right education is the proportionate combination of ingredients as below.

E - Equality
D - Discipline
U - Understanding
C - Curiosity
A - Awareness
T - Tolerance
I - Independence
O - Organizing skills
N - Novelty search


1. Concentration practice.
2. Pranayama practice.
3. Objective meditation practice.
4. Silence practice.
5. Be interested in what you want to remember.

6. With great confidence fully trust your memory, which will prove that you have unbelievable miracle memory.

7. Repetition is the best way to assist perfect recall. Develop patience to repeat it often enough to remember perfectly. Remember recollection is the mother of learning.

8. Even though it may take some time first, you clearly understand step by step what you want to remember.

9. Associate with objects method: link what you want to remember with something that is already part of your experience.

10. As far as possible perform a mental and physical task alternatively.

11. Exercise regularly even if it is for a short time of 10 minutes.

12. In case you lack concentration due to mental or physical fatigue, a short brisk walk will help.

13. Alternatively drinking a few sips of water also improves concentration.

14. Regular room, place/direction of sitting, timing (preferably early mornings & silent evenings) will help your memory/concentration to a large extent.

15. Foods those will help to improve your memory: Almond, Apple, Grape, Date, Orange, Fig, Walnut, and Raisin.


table test

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