With increasing population, with increasing hunger, greed, increasing unemployment, disparity, crime also rapidly increasing in every part of the sphere. Since it is the point of monitor gain, petty thieves, smart people, cheats choose lonely ladies to rob or cheat them. Anti social elements wait for an opportunity for lonely ladies for their lust fulfillment. All of them watch, identity and wait for desecrated, isolated places in the afternoons or late evenings to trap their easy targets. It is always stated that self help is the best help whatever precautions you or your loved ones take to protect you, there may situations arise to go alone outside in emergencies. At that time only "your mobile wealth, awareness is the only your perfect protection" At the critical confusing panicking situations not to worry, fear, afraid, but to be alert, attentive, aware, brave with presence of mind and to tactfully overcome the situation here are some effective result oriented helpful awareness tips for you.

AWARENESS TIPS WHILE TRAVELLING LONELY: Do not get excessive makeup so as to every body looks at you. Avoid jewelary as far as possible or wear the bear minimum. Do not wear fashionable/exposing dress. Wear normal simple dress. Do not develop relationship with unknown person or co-passengers. If you are traveling for a unknown or new destination, see that one of your relative or friend will come to receive you. There will be smart passengers who will try to drag you for some conversation. Best thing to avoid such persons is keep a magazine. Then no body can disturb you. Do not reveal your personal details, when you are going or showing anxiety that you are going to an unknown place lonely, going for marriage, hospital to see a patient etc. People will try to take the advantage. As for as possible see that your lonely journey will and by evening. Try to avoid night journeys. There may be unavoidable incidences such as unexpected strikes, riots, vehicle breakdowns, delays etc. You may reach your destination late night. In such circumstances, if your local destination is with in the well developed area, go by public transport only which is more safe. Do not go by auto or taxi, which are risky. If it is mid night stay in railway station waiting room or Bus stand itself until morning and proceed. In train or bus, do not sit adjacent to window. Night times in trains do not sleep keeping head towards windows, keeping window open. While doing night journey see that your luggage is securely locked with chains. In journeys instead of loose mobile neck belt, mobile will prove safer. Instead of keeping all cash at one place, make it in to 2 or 3 parts and keep it separately. While sleeping see that your valuables like credit cards etc. kept safely in your securely locked luggage instead of keeping in hand bag or purse. Do not eat or drink any items offered by unknown passengers while on journey or waiting rooms.

AWARENESS TIPS TO FOLLOW WHILE WALKING ON THE STREETS: As for as possible always try to avoid walking lonely. As for as possible try to avoid such streets to walk lonely where pedestrians will be less. It is strongly advisable to avoid lonely walking where one or two sides of he maximum road is covered by long compound wall, fence or garden, forest are situated. Avoid streets in nights where lighting is poor. If you clearly know the exact time of power cut in your area, then do not go out lonely during such times. While you are walking lonely and some body calls you from a nearby standing car for help, for god sake do not go near the car at any cost. Even then if the car comes behind you and some body try to pull you into the car, shout loudly for help, escape from such capture and immediately run opposite to the car moving direction. While walking on lonely streets always walk on foot paths, that too extreme left to the road, so that no two wheeler riders can touch you easily. By chance if you are wearing jewelry, best thing is to keep in your bag while entering the deserted street or other alternative is to cover them with your dupatta. While walking deserted streets, just look back and confirm if some body is following you, if so, and road is long, you approach any near by shop or house for help. Certainly they will help you. If no such approach is available, if you have mobile, while walking inform near by police station or control room about your need of help. If you suspect that more than one person is following you, do not protest them, get prepared to attack them at right time. When they really come near to you to harm, keep the hands full of mud in your hands, throw it on to their eyes and run away shouting for help. By the time they open their eyes with shock, you will be at a safer place.

AWARENESS TIPS TO FOLLOW WHILE DRIVING: Always keep your vehicle in perfect working condition. While driving always lock all doors from inside. On the way if any unknown people ask for lift do not entertain. Night times, rainy nights only take such routes which are fully safe, crowdy, no water stagnating. Night time park your vehicle where proper light is there. Select such a parking place even after returning proper light must be there. While returning nearer to your parking car, carefully notice the surroundings. If you suspect any thing suspicious, take some body's help or call police. If traveling night time is unavoidable see that fuel in the tank is enough and blow in the wheels are full. During night travel keep your mobile with you without fail. While driving always watch whether any body is following you constantly. If such is the case stop your vehicle at a crowded place, before entering any desert place. If you own a car installing mobile eye and innovation in the vehicle tracking system will provide you unimaginable safety assisting facilities. It is connected to your mobile. SOS can be received by more than one party on emergencies. It is wired to inform the local ambulance in an emergency etc.

AWARENESS TIPS WHILE GOING ON AN AUTO: As for as possible select an Auto having an aged driver. See that the auto driver should not realize that you are new to that place. In towns or cities if you request police assistance, they note auto drive name, licence No., auto No., etc and will caution him to safely drop at your destination. If you can note and remember auto number, while on journey on mobile you inform your relative/friend about the traveling auto number and which location you are etc. If you know the route of your destination, guide the auto driver to take crowded route instead of dark, deserted risky route. Do not allow the auto driver to allow any others to travel in the auto.

AWARENESS TIPS TO FACE DANGER SITUATIONS WITH PRESENCE OF MIND: Various types of difficult situations one may face in life time to time. But shocking, fearing totally surrendering for such situations is not fully correct answer. Use of presence of mind, acting as per the situation circumstances may many times saves you, even saves your valuables. To save your self first try all available ways what ever you can. If nothing works then only as a last chance you have to attack the opponent. Whenever you need to go out lonely, if you have the habit of wearing jeans or Punjabi dress, where it, It greatly helps you at situations to run for safety. Always be alert, as it will greatly helps one to get out of situation. It is advisable always to carry chilli or pepper spray in your hand. If attached, never afraid to run. Suppress your fear, show courage, awaressly, witness, surroundings with presence of mind to escape on right opportunity. At danger situation any thing and every thing is a right weapon to use. If avoidable try to keep a deo spray in your bag. When attackers attack you, do not panic at that moment, calmly watch the surroundings to escape such as any passer by or house or shop, so that on shouting chance of any body turning to your help or ground is loose of sand soil, so that you can hit mud with your foot in to their eyes etc. If nothing works coolly, give your valuables and escape. Try to remember their faces sharply in case to identify before police in future. Act and spread like you are badly ill, show severe weakness and have little belly plead them that I am advanced pregnant. You must utilize all your skills and actions. Say that you are suffering with leprosy if you have some mouls or tell them that you have aids. Ultimate motto is to escape from the present danger. You realize that the attacker has a weapon and he is with sure intention to rape you, even then not to panic and loose heart. Use your patience, wait for the correct opportunity accumulate all your energies into your first, rightly attack on his testicles with your full force and energy. If it is a right attack instantly he will flat down with unbearable pain, which will take four minutes to regain will give room for your escape. In case he do not have weapon and tries to over power your, forcibly punch on his testicles, where ever his body is available cut with your teeth and make deep wounds on wherever his body available. If he pushes you to the ground see whether mud or sand available to throw into his eyes or any solid item like stone or wooden block to hit him on the head. If situation becomes serious act as if fits attacked you and fall down making hand and legs vibrating. Still he is not leaving you and wants to move on you, then wait for such right situation keeping your index fingers and centre finger in 'V' shape vigorously, firmly and forcibly push into his eyes. Try to shout loudly for help if you can't escape. If he is shocked falls down, take the opportunity to hit him on his head or face forcibly. At this situation do not think whether he will loose his eyes, crack his head or die, your safe escape is the prime matter.

AWARENESS TIPS FOR SECURE BANKING: You go to deposit the amount at Bank, go directly first to the Bank, instead of attending other jobs, keeping cash with your or in the vehicle. While at Bank concentrate only on depositing your money, do not talk to others particularly with strangers. If you need to carry huge cash, carry in a shoulder bag and hand the bar across your body, go to the bank in the morning times which will be safe for you, where as in the afternoon times customers in the Bank, public in the roads will be thin. If you withdraw huge cash, it is strongly advisable to have a companion. After withdrawing the cash see that cheats will be around you. Withdrawn cash safely place in shoulder bag, wear it across your body, straight walk down to your vehicle, straight drive to your house directly. If you keep your cash bag in scooter or car, do not leave the vehicle until you reach home. If possible try to avoid taking kids to the Bank. Avoid going to the ATMs in early mornings, afternoons and late night. After withdrawing money from ATM at nights straight away go home. It is advisable to have a companion for night time ATM visits. Follow the above awareness safety tips and enjoy the ever secure life for ever. Circulate these tips among your near and dear for wide awareness.

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